Running in the Rain

Alright, so I did stick to it today. I went for a run even though I really did not want to in the rain. But I ran and of course by the time I got home it had stopped raining. Just my luck.

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My shoes and leggings were a wee bit drenched by the time I was done but I got my run in!

I have this pin on pinterest that I think about all the time and it was especially key today.


You can’t wait for that perfect day to go running. Here in Colorado I am pretty lucky and have many days of sunshine but even then they aren’t always perfect for a run. It is either too hot, there is rain, there is snow, and so many other excuses I give myself so that I can make myself feel better about not running. That is so stupid. Just because it isn’t perfect conditions doesn’t mean you will have a horrible run. Some of the best runs I have ever had have been in less than ideal conditions!

Anyway, I’m off my little soap box now.

I also may have splurged just a little. I was craving brats and beans for lunch. I could not get that flavor out of my mind. So, after my run I went to the store and bought some. I also grabbed some berries and my splurge, which was a small container of Egg Nog. Oh man, guys, my weakness this time of year is definitely Egg Nog. I love it so much! I really really do!

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I added in a little cheese with my brats and beans but washed it all down with lime water!

I know, I know, not my healthiest day. So far, no soda even though Sonic is right across the street from where I run and I was so tempted. It is the little life changes. I am just trying to take it a step at a time in my quest for healthiness. I don’t want to make posts that make you think I am anything more than I am. I am definitely going to struggle through this. I am definitely going to struggle to make wise food and exercise decisions. But I am determined to be healthier and not feel like a blob anymore!

Keep it up!

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