Tag Archives: desserts

Eating: A.K.A. My Version of Dieting

As women we are always looking for some new way to lose weight. We want to find out the trick to staying thin and young looking. This is definitely not a bad thing. However, when we start depriving our bodies of certain things or pursuing a lifestyle that is drastically different than our own that is when it starts to get our of hand and starts backfiring. 
I have tried a variety of different exercise routines and cutting out certain foods but honestly I have just been miserable and hated whatever I was doing or not doing. It never stuck with me. I started looking around for something else to do, or something else to eat, or something else to exercise with. Nothing was really working because I would do it for a little bit and then I would just hate it so much that I would give up because I did not want to keep this up. I hate running, I love sweets, and I love soda among many other things but those are my top three reasons for my way of life. 
Now, don’t get me wrong, I think being healthy and strong is a good thing. It helps prevent health problems as you get older. It helps you with more energy and such. The key to being healthy and strong is that it has to integrate into your current lifestyle. A lifestyle change does not happen overnight. It happens little by little. I have tried to completely cut out sweets or soda over night but it was horrible. I couldn’t take it. I have learned that honestly, I just need to cut back not out. I think about what I am eating. I love good food. I love trying new recipes and restaurants. I love new desserts especially! (My pinterest is full of desserts to try!) I just look at when I am going to behave and be naughty and do my best to even it out. 
I also found something that would keep me active, that I enjoyed! I love rock climbing. I love the strategy and the problem solving and the relatively low impact that comes with rock climbing. It is seriously the best! 

So, I do not recommend dieting to anyone! I say, make the healthy changes in your life little by little. It will stick longer and you will enjoy the journey more!

Speaking or eating, I’m hungry….
See ya! 

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