Tag Archives: homemade

Homemade Strawberry Lemonade

Hey guys!

Lately I have been having such a crazy craving for Strawberry Lemonade. No, no I am not pregnant. I have just been cutting out caffeine and soda for the most part for a while. Which, side note, if you have not given that a shot, do so! Getting off of caffeine will change your life! Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programing. Since I have been cutting these guys out that means I really had to find some other drink alternatives. Water is great and all but sometimes you just need something more! Hence the reason for Strawberry Lemonade. Wendy’s has some delicious Strawberry Lemonade but I just do not have the luxury of going everyday all day. My tummy would not appreciate that too much.

The other night I was really wanting some more Strawberry Lemonade and was not willing to go out and get some. I realized I had the ingredients right here at home and gave it a whirl! So easy and even more delicious than going to Wendy’s to get some!

I found the recipe over here and honestly just cannot get enough of it!


1 pound or so strawberries
2 lemons
8 cups water
3/4 cups honey
1/4 cup sugar

The reason for the honey is to cut back on the overly processed sugar. It also gives a really nice flavor too. 

So, you take the lemons and the strawberries and you cut the ends off of them. Then you cut them into quarters. I spaced on taking a picture of this but you get the idea.

Keep the peels on the lemons. You then blend all the fruit with two cups of water. Put the honey over the mixture and then liquify for about a minute or so. I think I did mine a little longer but I was slightly distracted at that point.

You then grab a strainer and pour the liquid through. You are going to need a baking spatula to help it through. Honestly I think this was the most tedious part of the procedure but well worth it!


I had all of this stuff left over and took it out of the strainer until I had gotten everything out of the blender then I ran the rest of the water through this stuff.


After putting everything through, I came away with almost a pitched and a half!


I let those refrigerate for an hour and then had myself a glass!


Super delicious! Now that I know how easy this was and how much more delicious it was, I have a feeling I will continue making my own homemade lemonade!

See ya!

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We Made Pizza!

So, within the last couple of months I had bought TJ a bread making book. It had all these recipes and it was right up his alley. Well, the other night he found a pizza dough recipe he wanted to try in the book. He made the dough and then last night we made five personal size pizzas. Obviously we did not eat them all last night. There was some left over for lunch today and probably even lunch tomorrow. Sweet right? Well, he along with other members of my family got me a really sweet DSLR for my anniversary/ birthday. So, I have some awesome pictures to share with you!


There is our first pizza. It was a white pizza. Olive oil and garlic with mozzarella and parmesan.


I made a smoothie for me too. 🙂


We were aiming for that gooey cheese look. Did it work?


Tj’s cheese. Yummm


Hammy as we fondly called this pizza.


My cheese.


There is four of the five pizzas.


The last one was another white one because it was so stinking delicious! I told TJ I would be ok with never getting pizza delivered again. This was so good and honestly so easy. He could easily make a batch of dough and freeze the dough until we are ready to eat it. So easy! Yum!

So, there we are! Deliciousness! And fun with the new camera!

See ya!

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