Tag Archives: wine


Hey there!

It’s been awhile! I figured, you know, its only been 2 years, a reintroduction never hurt anyone!

My name is Ashley. I am terrible at keeping up a blog. I get distracted by life and forget that I used to write. I love writing. I love reading. I always have a book on me. I always have a notebook/journal on me.

Current read: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Current notebook/journal: Paperback gold and black journal from Target

I also love food! OMG…. Do I love food…..
I think about food all the time. I think about what I am going to eat at the next meal even before I have finished the meal I am currently devouring. I think about things I want to try and make and things that look weird but could be fun to make. I think about restaurants I want to go to because they specialize in a certain dish or style of food. Food is constantly on my brain.

I also love wine and whiskey. I currently manage a taproom just outside of Denver, CO and that job has brought me into contact with some fabulous distributors and fabulous spirits. I am researching different spirits on a very regular basis. I am definitely drawn to the smaller batch, craft spirits and wines, not so much the bigger commercial ones.

I live to be outside. I love being outside any chance I get. I have already gotten my first sunburn of the year. I love to soak up that Vitamin D in the sunshine. I love hiking with my dog. I am currently training for a half marathon. It is just about river season as well, so I will definitely be on the river plenty this summer. I am happy and sad that ski season is over. Just really any chance I get to be outside, I will take it.

I also hate taking normal selfies. I think they are overrated. Lol. So, here is a goofy selfie of me on a ferry in Ireland.


Welcome to my blog! Thanks for stopping by!

Be sure to check out my Instagram to keep up with my day-to-day shenanigans!

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